April 22, 2020
1000 Home Learning Activities for children in nursery up to Year 8

We’re all in a unique situation where it can be difficult to keep your children entertained, whatever their age. However, there are plenty of home learning activities that you and your children can get up to in order to keep them occupied but also to encourage more learning. This is something that might be important as right now could be a time where your children should be still at school and in education. So with that in mind, we’ve created an extensive list of 1,000 home learning activities from nursery to year 8.
- Sorting Colours Using Sweets - Use coloured sweets, like skittles or smarties and have your child group them.
- Shape Wheel - Create a wheel shape and draw coloured shapes, ask them to find specific ones on the wheel.
- Counting With Stars - Use glow stars or gold sticker stars to help practice counting.
- Order Numbered Balloons - Learn the order of numbers with this really fun game.
- Pouring Rice With Measuring Jugs - Use measuring jugs to pour rice into beakers. Simple concept to learn about measuring.
- Build & Measure Blocks - Using wooden blocks with measuring tape.
- Teach Symmetry With Lego - Use Lego pieces to learn about symmetry.
- Learning Shapes With A Scavenger Hunt - Find items that match the shapes required.
- Smack The Number Counting Game - An interactive way of finding the number from a dice roll.
- Race To Fill The Cup - Using dice to help count.
- Counting Beads On Pipe Cleaners - Another way to help count with objects.
- Symmetrical Squish Painting - Folding paper, painting and then showing symmetry in action.
- Listen To & Sing Songs With Numbers - Use these songs to help learn counting.
- Counting Beans Into Numbered Pots - A hands-on maths activity for counting the right amounts needed.
- Sorting Lid Post Box - Sort the lids into the right numbered slots.
- Little Ducks Sensory Water Play - Use a song and sensory activity to help with numbers.
- Numbering Pebbles From Your Garden - Great for simple counting, addition and subtraction.
- Sorting Coloured Pasta - Counting with colourful pasta shells!
- Counting Spider Legs With Pipe Cleaners - Teach measurements and counting with spider legs!
- Count Wildlife In The Garden - Create interactive wildlife spotting in the garden to help with counting.
- What Sound Do You Hear? - Create sounds that your child describes. Improves vocabulary.
- Create A Word Jar - Create a jar of simple words for your children to use every day.
- Roll A Rhyme - Help to understand the basics of rhyming.
- Write & Repeat - Write words for your children to repeat in writing.
- Match The Letter - Match the letters up to help them learn what they look like.
- Spell Your Name - Help your child to spell their name.
- Word Scavenger Hunt - Do a scavenger hunt around the home using words.
- Words Beginning With… - Find the starting letters for the words written down.
- Name The Animal - Match the word to the animal and write the word.
- What’s This? - Flashcards to help learn new words.
- Fish Me A Word - Create an interactive game to help spot words.
- Simon Says Spell - Like Simon Says but with spelling.
- I Spy - Helps to learn new words from the objects around them.
- Search For The Word - Word searches are great to help children find words.
- Say It Fast, Say It Slow, Say It High, Say It Low - Making learning words fun and doing it in a silly but memorable way.
- Flashcard Pictionary - Pictionary but using flashcards instead to recognize words.
- Sing Nursery Rhymes - Learning through song is one of the most effective ways to learn words.
- Fruit Word Tracing - Practice writing words with word tracing!
- Fill In The Missing Letter - Helps your child learn what a word is made up of in terms of the letters.
- Matching Uppercase With Lowercase - Teach your children to link uppercase with lowercase letters.
- Lava Lamp Experiment - Create your own lava lamp at home.
- Oil & Water Magic - Show some magic using oil and water.
- Dancing Raisins - Make the raisins dance with this clever experiment.
- Shaving Cream Clouds - Create rain clouds using shaving cream.
- Inflate A Balloon Without Air - Show how to inflate a balloon without air.
- Make A Pulley - Teach the basics of a pulley system.
- Explore What Melts In The Sun - Experiment with what melts in the sun outside on a nice day.
- Create A Lego Volcano - Create a volcano that erupts from lego.
- Will It Float Or Sink? - Challenge your children’s knowledge of buoyancy.
- Colour-Changing Flowers - Transform the colours of a flower into something new.
- Magic Milk With Colours - Use milk to create colour art.
- The Rubber Egg Experiment - Show how an egg can be made into rubber.
- Planting Seeds - Plant seeds and teach your children how to help them grow.
- Make Your Own Slime - Create your own slime at home.
- Create A Tornado Bottle - Create a tornado inside a bottle.
- Walking Water Experiment - Show how water can travel using this cool experiment.
- Edible Crystal Candy - Make edible crystal candy with this experiment.
- What Dissolves In Water? - Show your children what dissolves in water and what doesn’t.
- Make Germs Scatter - A great trick to show how washing your hands is important.
- Ice Dinosaur Eggs - Create an interactive excavation by freezing toys in ice for the children to get out.
- Mixing With Colours - Show how primary colours make different ones when mixed.
- Tape Resist Art - Make great art work with this unique method.
- Potato Art Making - Use potatoes or other vegetables to create art.
- Tie Dye A Piece Of Clothing - Make simple clothing into something incredible with tie dye.
- Make A Cardboard House - Get creative with your cardboard!
- Create Art From Nature - Use what is found outside to make art work.
- Have A Dress-Up Box - Create endless hours of fun with a dress-up box.
- Make Sock Puppets - Put on a puppet show with your own sock puppets.
- Homemade Musical Instruments - Turn old household objects into instruments
- Make Binoculars Using Toilet Rolls - Help inspire creativity with used toilet rolls as binoculars.
- Use Pasta To Paint And Make Jewelry - Paint pasta shells and make them into beautiful jewelry.
- Play Families With Toy Babies - Pretend play is great for children to learn about families.
- Learn & Sing Basic Songs - Singing songs can help your children learn a lot!
- Animal Finger Painting - Get messy with paint to create finger paintings of animals.
- Hide & Seek - Playing hide and seek can be a great way of having fun in the home.
- Pictures & Patterns With Foam & Water - Use foam cut outs and water to make shapes on windows.
- Make Edible Paint - Edible paint is great for those children who’ll try and eat anything!
- Set Toys In Jelly For Them To Find - Setting toys in jelly can make an edible activity that’s fun and interactive.
- Create Your Own Play Dough - Play dough is a fun toy for all children, so why not create your own?
- Make Tie Dye Bread - Use food coloring on bread to make tie dye bread.
Computer Coding
- Go On A Treasure Hunt - Make it online for them or use the home to create secret codes they need to crack to try and find the treasure.
- Make A Puzzle - Puzzles can be a great introduction to codes.
- Solve A Maze - Use mazes to create platforms for coding.
- Make Something Out Of Building Blocks - Use building blocks to give your children the opportunity to learn skills of coding.
- Create Instructions To Build With Lego - Lego has a great selection of coding activities.
- Code A Toy - Coding Toys are great for learning the basics.
- Follow The Actions - Making lunch or planning to go to the park. Act as a computer and your child can ‘code’ you to follow the actions.
- Coded Scavenger Hunts - Use codes to make a scavenger hunt a little more complex.
- Minesweeper Maze - Make a physical version of the classic game!
- The Very Hungry Coding Caterpillar - Make coding fun with this coding caterpillar.
- Play The If/Then Game - One person plays a programmer and the other plays the computer.
- Follow The Sequence - A handy activity sheet to help with sequence programming.
- Cup Stacking Algorithms Activity - A great way of developing their coding abilities.
- Name Code Bracelets Craft - Using binary codes to make your name into a bracelet.
- Daisy the Dinosaur App - An app that can teach the basics of coding.
- Robot Turtles Board Game - A good board game to help with coding.
- Printable Scratch Blocks - An online coding system that’s fun and interactive.
- Code & Go Robot Mouse Activity Set - This is an activity set that’s great for coding.
- Cubetto - A fun toy robot that can help understand the basics of coding.
- Story Sequence - Building scripts is similar to writing sentences, so this is a handy learning activity for coding.
- Hands-on Coding Games - A great selection of games to choose from and play for those in nursery.
Year 1
- Count & Cover - Some great printables to help with counting.
- Dice Game - Get your child rolling and counting.
- Salute - A great maths game using cards.
- Housey, Housey
- Multiplication Bingo - A fun game in order to learn multiplications.
- Maths Problem Scavenger Hunt - Make a scavenger hunt but using maths!
- The 24 Game - A typical game used in the classroom and worth doing from home.
- Multiplication Hopscotch - Get physical with maths by using hopscotch.
- Skunk Dice Maths Game - Involving chance and choice and another game commonly played in a classroom environment.
- Battleships - Use a classic game to help learn maths.
- Creative Counting Using Toys - Toys can be a great way to do creative counting.
- Colour By Number Addition - Colour by numbers are creative and make maths fun.
- What Time Is It Mr Wolf? - A typical playground game that can be adapted for the home.
- Order Money By Value - Using money to order values is essential for when they come to manage their own money.
- Cut Out Calculations - Do calculations using cut outs that your child has to solve.
- Practice Counting Up To 20 - Help your child to learn the number beyond 10.
- Ladybird Spots - Learn about ladybirds and counting spots.
- Teddy Numbers - Help to learn counting up to 15.
- The Story Of 1 - Introducing the number one through a creative story.
- Let’s Compare - An interactive game to compare sizes of objects.
- 1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught A Fish Alive - A classic song to help learn numbers.
- Play Simon Says - A classic game to help improve vocab.
- Crossword Reading - Crosswords are always a great way of improving English skills. There’s lots of printables available online.
- Character Cards - Interesting way of helping understand vocab.
- I Am Lucky Because… - Improving their skills in describing and practicing their knowledge of words.
- Describe The Scene Worksheet - Free worksheets to help with adjectives and learning more of them.
- Retell A Fairy Tale - Helps to build storytelling technique as well as structuring sentences.
- Play Boggle - Buy the game or use these printables to help your children create words from an assortment of letters.
- Story Telling Games - Storytelling games come in a variety of formats so pick from any on the list.
- Act Out The Written Action - This is an activity that can be adapted to the home. Helps in learning action verbs.
- Create A Poster - Create a poster using online tools like Canva. Improves creativity of vocabulary skills.
- Activity Plan For The Week - Have your children create their activity plan for the week to improve writing skills.
- Play With Tongue Twisters - A list of tongue twisters in order to challenge speech and diction.
- Play Full Circle - A great way to learn phonetics.
- Play ‘Kim’s game’ - Helps improve memory and concentration.
- Play Yes/No - Helps practice with these styles of questions.
- Read A Book - Reading can help improve creativity as well as expanding a child’s vocabulary.
- Read To Me - Get your child to read to you, rather than you reading to them.
- PhonicsPlay - A great source of online games for learning English.
- Play Doh Learning ABC Alphabet - Use play dough for learning the alphabet.
- Don’t Put That in Your Mouth! - A fun singing game to help them learn words.
- Candle Under Glass Experiment - A quick experiment to show why fire needs oxygen.
- Glowing Water Beads - A cool experiment to create glowing water beads.
- Creating Sugar Glass - Creating science that’s interesting and edible!
- DIY Homemade Butter - Show your children how to make their own butter.
- Use Lemon Juice To Make Invisible Ink - Create an invisible ink with a household food.
- Make Homemade Ice Cream In A Bag - Make a sweet treat for your children while teaching science.
- Grow Mould On Bread - A lesson in how mould grows on food.
- Make A Non-Sticky Putty - Create a non-sticky putty for endless hours of fun.
- Grow A Bean In A Clear Cup - Show your children what goes on underneath the soil!
- Make A Sundial - Using science to help create a way of telling the time.
- Mix Diet Coke & Mentos - A visual experiment that creates a lot of mess. Be warned.
- Leave Pennies In Coke Overnight - Show the effect of coke on metal.
- Build A Rocket Balloon Car - Create a rocket balloon car to wow your children.
- Catch The Ruler - Testing the reaction times of you and your kids.
- Find Your Blind Spot - Show the limits that your eyes can have with blind spots.
- Make A Paper Airplane - Simple yet effective for younger kids.
- Make Gummy Bears Grow - Teaching the basics of chemistry to make gummy bears grow.
- Swimming Spaghetti - Make spaghetti that swims!
- Magic Drawings With Refraction - Showing refractions of light through magic drawings.
- Design a Magnet Maze - Get creative with magnets to create a magnet maze.
- Ant Crafts - Creates ants and makes for a handy way of learning about them.
- Paper Chains - Simple ways to create art with paper.
- Animal Behaviour - Showing ways animals behave through games and activities.
- Music with Bottles - Making music from plastic bottles.
- Camouflage With Nature - Learn about animal camouflage using art.
- Don’t Hold The Pillow - A game to help your child be more attentive.
- Water Balloon Attack - Helping to keep children entertained and cool on a hot day.
- Chinese Whispers - A fun game with even funnier answers. Helps with listening skills.
- Snake Bites - An intense physical game that’s good for health.
- Egg Spoon Balance - Helps with balance and competitiveness.
- Catch The Ball - A simple game to help improve various skills.
- Have An Indoor Picnic Or Tea Party - An interactive activity that gets everyone imagining.
- Play Shop Or Restaurant - Pretend play printables.
- Make A Treasure Hunt - Great for keeping them occupied for a while.
- Make A Sandcastle - Perfect if you have a sandpit.
- Search For Fairies In The Garden - Helps to encourage make believe.
- Make S’mores - A great thing to bake with the kids.
- Let Your Child Take Pictures - Helps to improve a creative skill.
- Get Crafty With Cereal Boxes - Inspire some creativity using simple household products.
- Melt Old Crayons Into Artwork - Make use of old crayons for art.
Computer Coding
- Coding Game X Marks The Spot - A game to help direction when it comes to coding.
- Barefootcomputing.org - A range of games to help with different coding skills.
- Computingatschool.org.uk - Helps parents teach coding from a young age.
- Busythings.co.uk - Fun and educational games that can help with code.
- Botley 2.0 - Easy to use robot that can be coded.
- Artie 3000 - A Wifi-Enabled drawing robot.
- SpriteBox Coding - An adventure game to help with coding.
- Blue-Bot - Simple bluetooth robot to help code from a young age.
- Tynker Junior - A version of Tynker adapted for those who are younger.
- CodeSpark Academy with the Foos - A great way to learn code for young kids.
- Learn to Code outside with Chalk! - Go back to basics with chalk and code!
- Play that Tune App - Coding that helps to create a tune.
- Root Is A Robot - Making coding easy and natural.
- Beebot - Specifically designed for young children in mind.
- Hotdog Coding - Free printable game to play to learn code.
- Debug Coding Game - Another free printable to code with.
- Wild Science Coding Kit - A very first kit for coding with kids in mind.
- Harold The Robot - Let your kids code you.
- Light Bot - Fun app to use on phones.
- Kodable - Fun and cute game for understanding sequences.
Year 2
- Connect 4 - Buy it physically or play it online to help with spotting sequences.
- Think Of A Number Game - A game to help guess the number.
- Ten Frame Flashcards - Great for pattern recognition.
- Roll & Record - Helps practice number writing.
- Fishing for Tens - Make learning maths fun with this game.
- Measuring In Cm - Help to measure in this format.
- Measuring In M - Learning to measure in meters.
- Make Ten - Maths game to help with addition.
- Addition Bingo - Helping with addition by using a popular game of bingo.
- Double Trouble - Helping counting and adding
- Toy Shop Money Game - Teaching value of money for young children.
- Dice Wars - A fun dice game to practice basic maths.
- Cover up - Using tin and cubes to help addition and subtraction.
- Race To Ten - Using a pack of cards to help with maths.
- Math Blaster - Simple and fun app to play with maths.
- Slice Fractions: School Edition - Helping understand fractions with this game.
- Snap! - Simple and classic game of matching numbers.
- Fill It - cardboard box or egg box to help with measure and volume.
- Find three quarters - Learning fractions in a simple way.
- Count in fractions - Help to count in fractions.
- Alphabet Describing Game - Go through Alphabet with describing words.
- Have Fun With Riddles - Brain teasers to help kids learn English.
- Junior Trivial Pursuit - A version that’s good for children to learn from.
- Make Their Own Diaries - A way of helping improve personality in their writing.
- Write a letter - To help improve handwriting.
- Using Brackets - Understanding brackets in English.
- Improv this! - Improv games can help improve creativity and vocab.
- Imaginary Traveller - Imaginative game for children to be more descriptive.
- Elephants never forget! - A great memory game for children to improve memory.
- Blindfold Food Tasting - Helps to discover new foods and to describe them better.
- Run as Fast as You Can! - A storytelling game to help improve creativity.
- Learning About Question Marks - An introduction to using question marks.
- Be A Connectives Spy - Learning the basics of conjunctions and connectives.
- Simple Word Search - A simple word search to help find words.
- Easter Egg Multiplication Hunt - Great for Easter time for multiplication.
- On A Deserted Island - Worksheet for imagination.
- What Are Compound Words? - Learning about compound words.
- Silent Letters - Learning about silent letters.
- Exclamation Marks - Learn about exclamation marks and where to use them.
- Correct the spelling - Correct the spelling mistakes.
- Build a model airplane - Build a wonderful structure in the form of an airplane.
- Make sculptures out of aluminum foil - Exploring aluminium foil and it’s structure capabilities.
- Rock Museum - Encourage rock collecting to understand different types.
- Slotted Building Disks - Challenge your children’s creative mind with slotted building disks.
- DIY Robotic Articulated Hand - Make A DIY Robotic Hand!
- Water Purifier DIY - Show how water is filtered down to become tap water.
- Learn About Chromatography - Creative and fun ways to learn about Chromatography.
- Show How Lemons Create Current - Show how lemons can create current.
- Make Glowing Water - Wow your children with glowing water.
- Create A Homemade Solar Eclipse - Teach your kids about solar eclipse with this homemade version.
- Miracle Berries - Confuse their taste buds with these berries.
- Making Colored Ice Sculptures - Great for when you have snowfall.
- Make Bubble Snakes - A great way to have messy but clean fun with bubble snakes.
- Melting Frozen Elsa’s Hands - A good science activity for those who love Disney’s Frozen.
- Learn About Static Electricity With Jumping Frogs - A basic guide to static electricity.
- Exploding Lunch Bag - Lunch bags will never be the same again with this experiment.
- Create A Giant Worm Tower - Make a worm tower for your kids to explore.
- Expanding Ivory Soap - Watch this type of soap expand in the microwave!
- Homemade Giant Bubbles - Create the biggest bubbles ever seen with this recipe.
- Turn Grapes Into Raisins - Showing the drying process with grapes.
- Play The Recorder - A gread visual and audible guide for learning the recorder.
- Press Flower Scrapbook - Press flowers and put them in a keepsake scrapbook.
- Observe Insects - Let kids loose in the garden to catch and observe insects.
- Map-Making - A great way for children to learn about their surroundings.
- Make A Veggie Garden - Plant vegetables with your children.
- Magazine Collage - Get your children creative with magazine collages.
- Write A Song - Help them be musically creative with songwriting.
- Draw a self-portrait - Give them an opportunity to improve their art.
- Play “Follow the Leader.” - Teaching them about leadership and teamwork.
- Make Shadow Puppets - Basics of learning shadow puppetry.
- Learn To Play Checkers - A guide to understand checkers.
- Make A Stationary Caddy - A perfect creative task for going back to school.
- DIY Jellyfish - Make a colorful creation in the form of jellyfish.
- Create A Fairy Jar - Pretty creations for a child’s bedroom.
- Mirror Game - Fun game to learn cooperation skills.
- Learn To Braid - Teach your child how to braid hair or materials.
- Journey Sticks - Fun to have outdoors and great for storytelling too.
- Egg Box Garden - Inspire them to create their own indoor garden.
- Create A Mini Foosball Table - Fun for all those who love sports.
- Fingerprint Art - Create great art from fingerprints.
Computer Coding
- Codeable Crafts - App on phone or device to help code.
- Codesters - Helping to code in the classroom.
- Feed The Mouse - Helping to teach algorithms
- If/Then Glow In The Dark - A version of If/Then made even more fun!
- Learn About Computer Bugs - Teaches children about computer bugs and what they are.
- How To Program A Robot - Basics of programming a robot.
- Colourful Kits - Learning about data for coding.
- Barefoot Goes Wild - Activity to help with programming.
- Crazy Character Algorithms - Learn more through coding with this activity.
- Patterns - Learn about patterns through coding.
- Pizza Pickle - Helping with programming in a fun way.
- Safety Snakes - Do sequencing and programming with this activity.
- World Map Logic - A guide to help with programming and code.
- Sharing Sweets - Help with learning algorithms.
- Spelling Rules - Another helpful guide to learning about algorithms.
- mBlock - A platform for teaching and learning code.
- Blockly Games - A great selection of games to help with coding.
- Robo Wunderkind - Small robots for children who want to learn about coding.
- Power Tracks - Teaches first steps to coding and building.
- Mind Designer - A good toy worth getting to help with a range of skills, including coding.
Year 3
- Make Arrays - How to use arrays to multiply.
- Play With Food - Use food to help understand maths!
- Multiplication Bingo - Nothing better than a spot of bingo mixed with multiplication.
- Two Dice Sums - A fun game to help with maths.
- Missing Numbers - Helping to solve missing numbers using pegs.
- Spinning Cups - A cool and interactive way of learning maths.
- Squares & Triangles - Help work with shapes.
- Money Bags - A game to learn the value of money.
- Here’s The Answer, What’s The Question? - A interesting way of working with maths.
- Equivalent Fractions - Understanding equivalent fractions.
- Sharing Method For Division - A helpful activity to learn division.
- Weight Word Problem - Learning about weight values and using them in maths.
- Doubling Numbers - Helping to double numbers with these questions.
- The Sweet Jar - Ordering numbers with this worksheet.
- Odd or Even Numbers?
- Beat The Clock - A race against the clock with maths.
- Patterns & Sequences - Understanding patterns and sequences.
- 2D and 3D Shapes - Learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
- Family Maths Toolkit - Helpful maths toolkit worksheets.
- Magic Maths - A fun way of learning maths through magic.
- Odd One Out - Figure the odd one out.
- Spelling Word List - Helping with spelling and punctuation.
- Homophones - Learning about homophones in English.
- Using Speech Marks - Understanding position of speech marks.
- Possessive Apostrophes - Getting to grips with possessive apostrophes.
- Corner Bookmarks - Encouraging reading with these cute bookmarks.
- The King & The Ring - Helpful game in learning English.
- Days Of The Week - Helping learn the days of the week.
- What Is A Syllable? - Understanding what a syllable is.
- The King With Donkey’s Ears - Helping to learn about communication of feelings.
- Me & My Shadow - A popular poem to learn about shadows.
- Send A Postcard - Getting your children creative with postcards.
- Fortune Teller - Use this creative activity to help learn English.
- English Practice Books - Great books to help learn English.
- Dyslexia Gold - Helps improve fluency, speed and comprehension.
- At The Beach - Talking about holidays with this activity.
- Back Writing - Helping with English for restless kids.
- Understanding The Calendar - Getting to grips with the calendar.
- Drama With Children - Drama can be a great way to help with English.
- Drawing Dictations - Helping understand dictations with this activity.
- At The Funfair - Use this activity for vocabulary.
- Water Sampling for Microorganisms - Finding microorganisms in water.
- Bag & Pencil Magic - See the magic of science with this trick.
- The Magic Jumping Coin - Another magic trick to show science in action.
- Coloured Ants - Show how ants can change colour.
- Build A Water Balloon Catapult - Great for showing the physics in a wet and fun way.
- Mirrors & Reflections - A good experiment to show how mirrors and reflections work.
- Build A Rocket Stove - Build a stove to cook an entire meal!
- Skee Ball Game - Helps to understand gravity while having great fun.
- Blowing Up Balloons - Use an alternative to blow up a balloon.
- Taste Testing Without Senses - Test your senses with this experiment.
- Gravity-Free Water - Show how gravity can stop you from getting wet.
- Bouncing Balls - Learn about energy transfer with bouncing balls.
- Food Chains - Learn all about the food chains with this game.
- Plant Growth - Learn how plants grow with this handy game.
- Skeletons & Bones - Understand how bones work for the body.
- Life Cycles Of A Plant - Learn about the life cycles of a plant.
- Forces In Action - Understanding forces in action.
- Magnets & Springs - Learning all about magnets and springs.
- How We See - Understanding how we see through our eyes.
- Friction - Get to grips with the basics of friction.
- Pom Pom Flowers - Create beautiful flowers using pom poms.
- Bird Feeders - Make your own bird feed!
- Boxes Game - Draw boxes from dots. A game for two or more.
- Dream Catcher - Create your own dream catcher.
- Number Plate Names - When you’re collecting weekly supplies!
- Cardboard Castle - Build a cardboard castle.
- Guess What’s In The Box - A fun game that can be played for hours.
- Find The Treasure - An interactive game to help find treasure.
- Recycled Suncatcher - A great way to help catch sunlight.
- Homemade Bowling Pins - Make your own bowling alley with these homemade pins.
- Noughts & Crosses - A simple game to play indoors or outdoors with chalk.
- I-Spy - Another game to play while on the move.
- Leap Frog - A classic playground game.
- Last Man Standing - A fun game to play outside with family.
- Take A Listening Walk - A good way to keep them engaged while exercising.
- Build A Tree Of Thanks - To help them show appreciation for life.
- Eggheads - Create herby heads with egg shells.
- Fall Lanterns - Create lanterns using nature.
- Outdoor Kitchen - Help build an outdoor kitchen.
- Concoct Potions - Mix old beauty products together for colours to make slime with.
Computer Coding
- Make A Flappy Game - Make your own flappy game with coding.
- Switch & Glitch - Fun game that’s used in classrooms for coding.
- Gumball Coding Adventure - Help learn more about computer science and coding.
- Code With Ana & Elsa - Helping code with two Frozen Disney characters.
- Bitsbox - A subscription box to help with computer science challenges.
- Little Passports - A useful collection of activities for learning code.
- My First Coding Books - Helping to code with this beginners book.
- Creation Crate - A handy crate for learning code.
- Groovy Lab In A Box - Handy for coding.
- Tangiplay - Learning toys to help with coding.
- 3D Pens - A great way of creating art through coding.
- Run Marco - Good app for helping to code in a fun way.
- How To Code A Sandcastle - A handy book to help understand coding.
- Wonder Workshop Dash Robot - A fun and interactive robot for coding.
- Lego Boost - Helping code with Lego.
- Nancy Drew - Coding game involving detective Nancy Drew.
- Mimo - Learning to code with this fun app.
- Intro To Coding - Helping with basic coding.
- Retelling Stories - Use coding to help retell stories.
- Hide & Seek Scratch Sheet - Handy worksheet for coding.
Year 4
- Place Value Charts - Practice making place value numbers.
- Macaroni Proportion Starter - Work out the value of the Macaroni.
- Flash Maths Number Grids - Fill the grids with numbers.
- City of Zombies - Fun maths-by-stealth board game.
- Number Rumbler - Maths on Toast card game.
- Numbugz - A whole range of family fun maths games in one pack.
- Sum Fun - Educational numbers game.
- Connect The Dots - Puzzle game to help with strategy.
- The Force Of Gravity - learn about gravity.
- Game Of 50 - practice your addition and subtraction.
- Practicing Fractions - cooking game with word problems.
- The Fascinating Mobius Strip - learn how to make a mobius strip.
- Place Value Worksheet - summer related maths worksheet.
- Newspaper Weaving - baskets & bowls to make out of old newspapers.
- Match The Times - easy ways to learn to tell the time.
- Gobble Gobble Graphing - festive connect the dots activities.
- Triominos - classic family game.
- Race To Infinity - times table maths game.
- Old Maid Card Game - builds on concentration and thinking skills.
- 100 Maths Activities Book - national curriculum maths practice book.
- Reading Eggs - games & songs to help reading skills.
- PBS Kids - great website full of educational games.
- The Titanic Story Ebook - learn about the story of The Titanic.
- The Miracle Of Water - wonderful facts and information about water.
- Storm Names - learn about why we name storms.
- The Two Finger Point - learn new words & vocab.
- The One Armed Pirate - words & sentences game.
- Points Of View Newspaper Report - Learn about how newspaper reports are structured.
- Spelling Frame - practise spelling rules.
- Look, Cover, Write, Check - great way to practise phonics, spelling patterns and common exception words.
- The Adjective Detective - adjectives game as a detective.
- Prefixes And Suffixes - Practice your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes
- The Famous Five Adventure Game - create your own exciting Famous Five adventure
- Kids’ Vocab - practice vocabulary with a range of games
- Name Game - get to know names and facts about people quickly
- Meet My Friend - a fun simple icebreaker
- Hobbies - name the hobbies worksheet
- Find The Classroom Objects - spot the hidden objects in the picture
- In/On/Under - draw animals in, on or under the objects
- How Much Is/Are? - complete the sentences from the pictures
- Rebuilding The Human Body - Figure out how to rebuild the human body.
- Make Your Own Spinema - create hand made animations
- Rubber Band Cannons - build & fire rubber band cannons
- Singing Wine Glasses - make music from wine glasses
- Make Balloon Car Racers - build and race balloon powered cars
- Balancing Sculptures - make amazing balancing structures & explore stability
- Candle Chemistry - learn about the chemistry of candles
- Memory Makers - investigate how your memory works
- Hollow Mask Illusion - create the famous hollow mask illusion
- Small Or Far Away? - experiment with perception and size
- Baffling Body Illusions - eight baffling body illusions
- Disgusting Dining - make delicious and disgusting objects
- Eggshell Geode Crystals - demonstrates how geodes are formed
- Blobs In A Bottle - create interesting blobs in bottles
- The Magic Ketchup Experiment - make a pack of ketchup float and sink
- 24 Science Experiments Buzzfeed - Try one of these out!
- Dry Ice Bubbles - Make dry ice bubbles with this handy guide.
- Invisible Candy - melt & disappear candy
- Egg In A Bottle - get an egg into and out of a bottle
- Make An Edible Water Bottle - create an amazing water bottle that you can eat!
- DIY Tissue Box Monsters - Create your own tissue box monster.
- Paper Bead Necklaces - Make necklaces using paper.
- Felt Elastic Bookmarks - Create bookmarks with felt and elastic.
- Mini Lid Banjos - Create small instruments with household products.
- Thumbprint Family Tree - Make a thumbprint family tree to learn about heritage.
- DIY Race Track - Make your own race track in the home.
- Fairy Bells - Create musical bells for fairies.
- Pool Noodle Obstacle Course - Create an obstacle course using pool noodles.
- Winter Terrariums - Transform terrariums into winter wonderlands.
- Silhouette Lanterns - Create beautiful silhouettes with these lanterns.
- Make a Mini Minion - Make a mini minion with this activity.
- Glue Batik T-Shirt - Use this type of wax to transform a shirt.
- Make A Vehicle - Make a vehicle using household objects.
- Star Wars Tin Can Lanterns - Create cool Star Wars lanterns using tins.
- Learn A Magic Trick - Inspire future magicians with a magic trick.
- Word Association - Great game to play to experiment with words but good for imagination too.
- Raised Salt Painting - Use salt to help with painting.
- Watercolour Resist - Make watercolour resist art.
- Shaving Cream Marbling - Make some unique marbling art with household products.
- Make Fake Snow - Create fake snow with this technique.
Computer Coding
- Blockly for Dash & Dot Robots - A great robot app to do hands-on coding.
- Cork the Volcano - Puzzlets - Fun elementary coding in the form of puzzles.
- Evo by Ozobot - An app-connected coded robot.
- Cozmo - A cute robot for coding skills.
- SAM Labs - Fun kits to help with coding.
- Tickle - A fun programming app.
- Construct 2 - Helps children create their own games
- Roly - Learn coding with Roly.
- Code Your Name - Code your own name!
- What Is Coding? - Understanding coding with this powerpoint.
- Coding Concepts - Creating and understanding algorithms.
- Emoji Codes - Crack the codes using emojis.
- Coding Command Cards - Use these command cards to help coding.
- Treasure Map Coding - Coding using treasure map activities.
- Programming Toys - Helps to understand coding through toy programming.
- Pictionary - A sphero activity to use with the app.
- GoldieBlox - Adventures in coding.
- Little Red Coding Club - An app to help with coding.
- Shaun The Sheep Coding Academy - A great way of coding with a familiar character.
- Algorithms - Understanding algorithms in technology.
Year 5
- Rounding Money - A handy worksheet to help round up money.
- Multiplication Tables - An extensive activity for learning multiplication tables.
- Speed Counting - Helping to speed up counting skills.
- Chance - Online activity to help learn about chance.
- Multiplication Clock - Learn multiplication through a clock.
- Reading A Carroll Diagram - Understanding the Carroll diagram.
- Reading Length & Solving Problems - Understanding measurements and problems in length.
- Negative Numbers - Learning negative numbers in Maths.
- Finding Factors Of Numbers - Learning about factors.
- Number & Place Value Worksheets - Understanding number and place value worksheets.
- Maths Puzzles - Free Maths puzzles to work through.
- Rounding & Estimating - Learning how to round numbers and estimate.
- Problem Solving - Learning how to problem solve.
- Roman Numerals - Learning about roman numerals and how to write in them.
- Concept of Rate - Help with learning about line graphs.
- Long Multiplication - Teaching long multiplications.
- Counting To A Billion - Helping to learn counting to a billion.
- Understanding Percentages - A helpful activity sheet to help with percentages.
- Maths Mini Golf - A fun game of golf to help with maths.
- Double Negatives - Helping understand double negatives in Algebra.
- Home Learning Revision Pack - Handy pack for English.
- Locating Areas in the UK - Helpful to learn places and how to spell them.
- Verb Tenses - Learning about tenses in verbs.
- Similes & Metaphors - Helpful tips to learning similes and metaphors.
- Use Similes - Using similes for describing.
- Who Am I? - A fun game to play that involves a bit of drama.
- Writing Tasks - Helpful tasks to improve writing.
- Write A News Report - Guidance on writing in journalism.
- Using Alliteration - Understanding and using Alliteration.
- Summer Activity Book - A handy activity book for the summer.
- Harry Potter Word Search - A themed word search using HP.
- Recognising Sounds - Helping children to learn the start of words using sounds.
- What’s The Object? - To use describing words more in conversation.
- Tic Tac Toe - A simple game that can help with English.
- Just A Minute - A good listening game to help with vocabulary.
- Team X - A handy listening activity for English skills.
- Think Of A Sentence - Helping to make sentences.
- Celebrity Heads - Helping to learn about celebrities and spellings.
- Step Words - A good game to help with spelling.
- Heads & Tails - A great activity for helping with vocab.
- Keeping Yourself Healthy - Learning about how exercise affects heart rate.
- Understanding Your Teeth - Find out why teeth are so important with this game.
- Sun, Light & Shadows - Get to know about the science behind sun, light and shadows.
- Changing Sounds - Experiment with different musical instruments to understand sound.
- Changing States - Looking at how you can change the state of water.
- Solids, Liquids & Gases - Understanding the basics of these three forms.
- Space Quiz - Test your space knowledge with this quiz.
- Improve Engineering - Create a straw and rubber band bridge.
- Test Chemical Reactions - Use these fizzing experiments to test chemical reactions.
- Skittles Rainbow Experiment - Use tasty treats to show a rainbow.
- CD Balloon Hovercraft - Make a CD hover with this experiment.
- Make It Rain - Use this experiment to make rain.
- Bending The Light - An experiment to show how you bend light.
- Plastic Milk - Use science to create this unique milk.
- Walking On Eggs - Show the strength of eggs with this experiment.
- Homemade Snow Globes - Make a homemade snow globe!
- Worm Slime - Make worm slime with this science experiment.
- Bottle Fountain - A great experiment for understanding air pressure.
- Drops On A Coin - Learn more about surface tension with this challenge.
- Underwater Telephone - Hearing sounds underneath water can be fun!
- Dance Party - Have a dance party in your home.
- Air Mattress Trampoline - Turn an old air mattress into a trampoline.
- The Floor Is Lava - A fun and imaginative game to play indoors.
- Make your own clay - Another material you can make at home for arts and crafts.
- Sponge Paint - Cut up old sponges to make art.
- Craft Stick Animals - Use craft sticks to make animal art.
- Make photo frames - Use lollipop sticks to make photo frames.
- Make flower pens - Transform ordinary pens into flower pens!
- Create an aquarium - Make an aquarium using paper and string.
- Make chalk at home - Great for when art supplies are running low.
- Melt Beads - These can turn into great works of art, like sun catchers.
- Hot Potato - Helping imagination with this game.
- Follow the leader - A fun game to have with others.
- Duck,Duck, Goose - An intense physical game to help build competitiveness.
- Indoor Obstacle Course - Create an indoor course using soft cushions and materials.
- Musical chairs - Combine music and fun with this game.
- Jump Ropes - Make jump ropes out of plastic to make exercise possible indoors.
- Twister - A fun game to help coordination.
- Make a Blanket Fort - A fun way of encouraging imaginative play.
- Squeeze Paint - Make fun ways to work with paint.
Computer Coding
- My Coding Friend - Activity worksheet for learning with code.
- Barcode Magic Trick - Another form of data understanding in coding.
- Number Hunt - Helps to search for algorithm activities.
- Count The Dots - Understanding binary digits.
- Coding Differentiated - Learning about sequences in coding.
- Robots Sort The Sequence - Use these robots to help sort sequences.
- Card Flip Magic - Help understand data and code with this trick.
- Pixel Painter - Create an image using pixels.
- Code Commander - A fun game to help with code.
- Sorting Network - Helps sort random numbers into order.
- Binary Windows - Helping with binary numbers in coding.
- Piano Keys - For modulo activities.
- Ready, Set, Code! - Coding resources to use at home.
- Hour Of Code - A great set of lessons plans to adapt to home learning.
- Blue Shift Coding - Book online coding courses for your children!
- Barbie You Can Be Anything - Lessons on coding involving Barbie.
- Candy Quest - Helping understand coding with this game.
- Crystal Clash - Multiplayer game for coding.
- All Can Code - Adventurous game for coding.
- Wonder Workshop - Great platform for learning how to code.
Year 6
- Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica - Interactive game to learn Maths
- Mental Maths Game - A game to help with learning maths.
- Archery Arithmetic - An archery game to help with arithmetic.
- Measuring Surface Area Quiz - Helping to understand surface area.
- Board Block Challenge - Helping understand shapes in Maths.
- Solve, Shoot, Score - Using a football game to work out maths questions.
- What makes a Shape Symmetrical? - A guide to learning about symmetry.
- Mystery Shopper Money Problems - Helping understand money problems in maths.
- Playing With Operations - Working out how to get answers through numbers.
- Place Value Millionaire - A classic game but using place value.
- Subtract The Slime - Helping with subtraction.
- What are Square and Cube numbers? - Understanding square and cube numbers.
- Investigating Quadrilaterals using Scissors - Shape investigation to understand quadrilaterals.
- Calculator Fun Worksheet - A worksheet to help with calculations.
- Number sequences worksheet - Helping with number sequences.
- Algebra Puzzles - Improve algebra with these puzzles.
- How to find the Mean, Mode & Median? - Understanding the mean, mode and median in maths.
- Common Multiples of Two Digit Numbers Revision - Improving skills with multiples.
- Properties of Shape Workbook - Understanding properties of shape in maths.
- Word Problems Maths Quiz - Word problems using maths.
- Writing a conclusion - Guide to helping write a conclusion.
- What is non-fiction? - Understanding the genre of nonfiction.
- Spelling an Exercise - Helping to understand suffixes.
- Arguments For and Arguments Against - Understanding facts and opinions.
- English Literacy Downloadable Worksheet - A great worksheet for English learning.
- Crystal Explorers - Game to improve grammar, punctuation and spelling.
- Bananagrams Word Game - A fast, fun-filled word game for all the family.
- Headline Game - Practice headline writing skills.
- Solve Anagrams - Helps to work with unscrambling words.
- Karaoke - Karaoke is a great way of helping learn words.
- Word patterns - Helping to learn word patterns with this worksheet.
- Using Bullet Points - Improving knowledge on bullet points.
- Prefixes - Understanding prefixes in English.
- SemiColons - Using semicolons in English.
- Understanding Plurals - Learning more about plurals.
- Proper Nouns - Expanding the vocabulary with proper nouns.
- Trapped - Learning more about punctuation through a game.
- Sentences - Play this game to learn more about sentence structure.
- Skillwise - Guides to learn all about sentences, grammar and punctuation.
- Spelling Bee - Improving the ability to spell words.
- Make a string phone - Learn how sound travels with string phones.
- Make a parachute - Create a parachute to learn how it works.
- Dry Ice Bubbles - Make dry ice bubbles at home.
- Quick Sand - Help children understand the dangers of quicksand by making your own.
- Melting Chocolate - Learn about temperatures with tasty chocolate!
- Fake Snot - Make fun, fake snot.
- Bath Salts - Help learn the science behind bath salts.
- Moving Molecules - Helping to move molecules in water.
- Balloon Speakers - Help make your own speakers using balloons.
- Escaping Water - Understand how capillary action works.
- Straw Bending - Show some magic with this straw bending science.
- Egg Bubbles - Create bubbles to teach children about egg shell surfaces.
- Make A Rainbow - Show how light and water make rainbows.
- Bending Water - Show how static electricity can bend water.
- Steel Wool & Vinegar - Showing the results of combining these two products.
- Orange Fizz - Create a chemical reaction in your mouth.
- Dry Erase - Draw figures that become animated.
- Slushy Soda - Create normal soda into a slushy one.
- Surface Tension Art - Show the effects of surface tension with art.
- Popping Balloons - An experiment to show a needle not popping a balloon.
- Make A Wire Sculpture - Use wire to create art.
- Star Wars Crafts - Make paper crafts of Star Wars figures.
- Guitar Pick Necklace - Get creative with musical jewelry.
- Bat House - Encourage wildlife to your garden with a bat house.
- Spinning Nerf Targets - A popular craft to make nerf guns more fun.
- Card Tricks - Learn three new card tricks.
- Marshmallow Blow Gun - Make this using PVC pipe!
- Make friendship bracelets - Build relationships with these bracelets.
- Put On A Play - Use these creative tips for theatre at home.
- Nature Journal - Create a nature journal for your garden.
- Make homemade candles - Using beeswax, make these candles.
- Go Roller Skating - Teach your kids how to roller skate.
- Have A Water Balloon Fight - Stage a water balloon fight outside.
- Homemade Kite - Make a homemade paper kite.
- Make homemade popcorn - Make a sweet or savoury snack with these tips.
- Time Capsule - Keep kids entertained with this time capsule.
- Homemade Candy - Make delicious treats at home.
- Outdoor Obstacles - Create an outdoor obstacle course.
- Chess - Teach your children how to play chess.
- Learn to juggle - Another creative skill to learn.
Computer Coding
- Learn To Code With Disney Characters - Help code with Disney.
- Unity - A good resource for coding.
- Free Code Camp - A free online resource for coding.
- W3Schools - Helping to build web pages.
- Robot School - A programming app for kids.
- Robo Logic - Helping to code a robot.
- Learn To Code With Books - Free books for programming.
- Planet Coding - Code the planets in order.
- Dash & Dot - A fun duo helping to learn code.
- The Foos - Another app to help kids learn code.
- A.L.E.X - A puzzle to help code a robot.
- Cargo Bot - Move crates by coding.
- Cato’s Hike - Program a boy who gets placed in a new world.
- Box’s Island - Play games while learning how to code.
- Udacity - Courses taught by experts in coding.
- Checkers Math - Playing checkers to learn coding.
- Learn To Knit For Coding - A similar way to learn code by knitting.
- Mama Codes - Keep your children busy with this coding platform.
- Going On A Bear Hunt - Coding algorithm with classic book.
- Cryptic Coding - Helping understand more complex coding.
Year 7
- KS3 Numeracy Workbook - Improves numeracy skills with this workbook.
- Maths Murder Mystery - Practicing maths through a fun murder
- Pen & Paper Maths Games - Maths game that you can do with a pen and paper.
- Mathematics Crosswords - Crosswords but for mathematics!
- Bitesize Algebra - Understanding Algebra.
- Simple Algebra Equations - Put knowledge of algebra to test and learn about equations.
- Decimals & Fractions - Handy worksheet for decimals and fractions.
- Let's get quizzical - Maths made fun with quizzes.
- Know your money? - Tips to improve money knowledge and values.
- Snowboard Slalom Maths Game - Fun game to help with maths.
- Penalty Shootout - For those who enjoy sports with a bit of maths thrown in!
- 10 Pin Multiplication - Multiplications using ten pin bowling.
- Maths Problems Around The World - Learn how different places solve maths problems.
- Understanding Angles - Work out the sum of angles with this worksheet.
- In-Betweens - A lesson in understanding where to place value.
- Rainbow Squares - For understanding square numbers.
- Consecutive Chains - Developing knowledge of primes, factors and multiplying.
- Twinkl - A great platform for learning packs while at home.
- Corbett Maths - Good source for prepping towards GCSE level.
- Handling Data With Football - Use this for football crazy kids.
- He Said She Said - Helps with listening skills.
- Play Alphabet Chat - Conversation game using letters of the alphabet to start.
- Geography Game - Learning new countries and new words.
- Twenty Questions - A game to help conversational manners.
- Make Up Limericks - Helps to understand poems and have fun at the same time.
- Stop the Bus - Good for revising vocabulary.
- Persuasive Writing Pack - A writing pack to understand persuasive writing styles.
- Audible Stories - Listen to stories through Audible.
- Write A Business Letter - Learning how to write for business.
- Romeo & Juliet (Language Themes) - Learning about older styles of language.
- RSC Shakespeare Learning Zone - Helping understand some of the oldest plays and the Shakespearean language.
- Learn Hand Lettering - Help children find a new form of handwriting.
- William Shakespeare Fact Cards - Flashcards to help with Shakespeare.
- Explanation Writing - A pack to help with explanation writing.
- Nouns Basic - Learning the basics of nouns.
- BrainPop Story Cubes - Use these to have creative ways of doing storytelling.
- Roald Dahl Biography - Learn more about children’s writer Roald Dahl’s life.
- Role Play Writing - Exploring creative writing in a new form.
- Handwriting Practice - A guide to perfecting handwriting styles.
- Snap Circuits - A great way of learning how electronics work.
- Build a Bridge - Helping to understand the design that goes into building.
- Model Plant Cell - How to make a model plant cell.
- Mysterious Dinosaurs Podcast - Learn more about the science behind Dinosaurs.
- What are elements? - A guide to learning about the elements.
- Robot Inventions - A guide to learn about robot inventions.
- Food Chain and Webs Quiz - Learn about the food chain in science.
- Rocks, Minerals & Soil Game - Exploring rocks, minerals and soil.
- DIY Lake Science - An introduction to freshwater ecosystems.
- Earth & Beyond - A visible guide on Earth and everything beyond it.
- Solar System Crossword - Crosswords to help learn about the solar system.
- Know your heart - Quiz to help understand how your heart works.
- Applied Science Workbook - Understanding applied science with this workbook.
- Biology Cells Grid - Revision work resources for biology.
- Make A Carbon Sugar Snake - Make a carbon sugar snake with this experiment.
- Create A Lung Model - Make a fake lung for kids to understand how the body works.
- Eureka Subscription - A great subscription box to have for kids interested in science.
- Tinker Crate - Another good subscription for working with science and tinkering.
- Planet Quest - For any space-loving kid!
- Science Revision - Science revision activities.
- Woodworking - Give these woodworking projects for your kids to do.
- Take Apart Old Appliances - Observe your children taking apart old appliances.
- Learn Some Card Tricks - Card tricks are great as an entertaining skill to have.
- Crafting with Paracord - Discover crafting with a new material.
- Crafting with duct tape - Explore how a simple household tape can make crafts.
- Draw Comic Strips - Get creative with art and draw comic strips.
- Flip Book - Create basic animation with flip books.
- Paper Mache Pencil Case - Explore paper mache.
- Learn how to DJ - Teach kids how to spin decks with DJ’ing.
- Paper Bag Stars - Making decorative art with paper bags.
- Make Your Own Soap - Make fun and clean creations in the form of soaps.
- Create Your Own Bath Bombs - Make homemade bath bombs!
- Make A Stress Ball - Great sensory toy to play with for kids of all ages.
- Finger Knitted Snakes - Make knitting fun with these finger knitted snakes.
- Craft Ping Pong Glow Lights - Make bedroom lighting fun with this idea.
- Brainstorm A Business Idea - Inspire your children to be their own bosses.
- Make Your Own Crossword Puzzle - Helping kids make their own crossword puzzle.
- Bake Homemade Bread - Get kids cooking in the kitchen with bread.
- Make Paper Spinners - Get crafty with these paper spinners.
- Foliage Faces - Make foliage faces with your child to explore nature in art.
Computer Coding
- Create a Secret Code - A simple activity that can help with coding.
- Scratch - Helps create stories, games and animations.
- Lightbot - Solving puzzles using programming.
- Code Monkey Island - Helps to understand coding concepts.
- Code.org - A weekly dose of coding for your children to learn!
- Swift Playgrounds - Learning serious code in a fun way.
- Code Avengers - Fun and effective online learning for coding.
- Codemoji - Coding for kids to learn and build.
- Stencyl - Learn to create games with this platform.
- Tynker - Understanding coding with lots of fun thrown in.
- Detective Dot - Stories and personalised gifts to help the next generation of coders.
- Kano Computer Kit - Make a computer and learn how to code it.
- Anki Cozmo Robot - A smart AI robot with it’s own mind.
- Hasbro FurReal Makers Proto Max - A fun toy in the form of a dog for coding.
- Osmo Coding Awbie - A learning games system that includes coding.
- SAM Labs Science Museum Inventor Kit - Build and program inventions.
- Meccano MAX Robot - Interactive toy robot that you can code.
- KANO Harry Potter Wand - Help build and code your own wand!
- Let's Start Coding - Coding starter kits for children aged 8 and up.
- UBTECH Jimu Unicorn Codable Robot - Build and code your own Unicorn robot.
Year 8
- Prime Climb - Perfect game for learning prime numbers.
- Absolute Zero Card Game - A family fun game to help with maths.
- Play Chess - Use chess as a good way of learning maths.
- Yahtzee - Use Yahtzee to learn place value.
- Do Number Grid Puzzles - Do these puzzles to help learn maths.
- Join An Online Math Club - Join a maths club to help learn with a group.
- Monopoly Board Game - Buy this classic game to learn values of money and calculations.
- Math Quiz - Create a basic maths quiz.
- Geometry Scavenger Hunt - Learn more about geometry with this scavenger hunt.
- The Monty Hall Problem - Using puzzles to learn about maths.
- Play Sudoku - Play this number puzzle to help with numbers.
- Simon Says, “Geometry! - A classic game with a geometry twist.
- Round The Block - Help solving maths under a time limit.
- Bouncing Sums - A quick maths game for sums.
- Shaving Equations - Having fun with equations through shaving cream.
- String ’Em Up - A guide to understanding body ratios.
- One-Meter Dash - A game to understand measurements.
- Number Builders - An educational game for learning maths.
- Math Bingo - A great way of understanding maths through bingo.
- Mastermind - A game to find the solutions to maths problems.
- Making Sentences - Understand sentence structure with these worksheets.
- Charades Or Mime Games - Two types of games to help with English skills.
- Hangman Word Game - A classic game to help with learning words.
- Chain Reaction - A fun game to help with learning actions through words.
- Conversation Game - Use these games to help with conversation.
- Write A Short Story Or A Whole Book - Help improve writing skills.
- Running Dictation - A classic game for learning dictation.
- Taboo - Helping vocabulary with these worksheets.
- A-Z Board Race - A great vocabulary game.
- Triple Memory - Helping with memory and learning English.
- Mustache You a Question - Formulating and asking questions.
- Mad Libs - Helping to understand speech with this fun game.
- Apples to Apples - A game to improve listening and speaking skills.
- Jeopardy - Helping to learn vocab and grammar.
- Mafia - Helping with speaking and critical-thinking.
- Person, Place, Action - A game to help learn language.
- Learn A Language - Good language app for kids.
- Interview Pop - Helping to understand interview questions.
- Word Racing - Car racing game for learning English.
- Guess Who or What I Am - Guessing game to help with English.
- Physics Made Fun With Cartoons - Use cartoons to help learn about physics.
- Classic Sink or Float Activity - Test knowledge of objects sinking or floating.
- Observe Objects In Your Microscope - Observe cells under microscope.
- Buy A Science Kit - Understand chemistry with these kits.
- Grow A Garden - Learn how to grow a garden.
- Potato Clock Experiment - Show how potatoes can power a clock.
- Fizzy Lemonade Drink Experiment - Tips to make a refreshing drink.
- Make Your Own Slime - Make your own slime from scratch.
- Explore Static Electricity - Understand how static electricity works.
- Make Your Own Electric Toothbrush - Make your own toothbrush with this project.
- Explore Basics Of Light & Colour - Learn about light and colour with science.
- Learn About Your Own DNA - Great opportunity to learn more about your child.
- Edible Chocolate Play Dough - Make play dough edible
- Hot Ice Experiment - Make hot ice with baking soda.
- Harry Potter Potions - Bring HP potions to life!
- Now You See It, Now You Don’t - Show the power of bleach.
- Make Your Own Jellyfish - Make jellyfish in a bottle.
- Make A Hovercraft - Use science to make a hovercraft.
- Oobleck Fun - Make this sensory goop.
- Make A Naked Egg - Turn an egg into a naked one.
- Name That Tune - Name the songs just by hearing them.
- Bird Identification Game - Learn as many bird species and find them in your local area.
- Twenty Questions - Guess the answer with twenty questions.
- Silence Game - A fun, online game.
- Pass The Ball - A fun game combined with questions.
- Trivia - The ultimate quiz in trivia.
- The Human Knot - Group-building challenge to do with your family.
- Record The Natural World - Try out artwork with nature.
- CSI: Get The Fingerprints - Learn about fingerprints with this game.
- Trace The Shadow - Find out what digital presences you’re leaving behind.
- Create A Memory Jar - One to do with the whole family.
- Take An Online Photography Course - Take one of these classes!
- Learn How to Do Origami - The basics of paper folding.
- Recycle Clothing Into Accessories - Turn your old clothes into something new.
- Learn To Play An Instrument - Easy to learn instruments
- Start An Online Side-Hustle - Become a young entrepreneur
- Write A Song - Get creative with songwriting.
- Start A Podcast - Join a popular social media trend.
- Watch A TedED - Inspirational and educational videos to watch.
- Learn To Sew - Sewing for beginners.
Computer Coding
- Learn To Touch Type - Being able to touch type is a good skill for coding.
- Build A Website - Get to grips with the basics of creating a website.
- Coding With A Deck Of Cards - Another offline way to code.
- Use Minecraft - Learn code through a popular game channel.
- Create Your Own Google Logo - For those who have a bit more experience in coding.
- Learn To Code With Hotwheels - Using these classic toys to help with coding offline.
- MIT App Inventor - Helps children to create apps.
- Kodu - Lets children create their own games through online programming.
- Sphero - Helping to learn about controls and programming through your child’s smart phone.
- Vidcode - Research-backed creative coding.
- Alice - Telling stories, building games and learning to programme.
- Codecademy - Learning to code for free.
- Khan Academy - Free online courses, lessons and practice.
- Root Coding - Coding using robots.
- Girl Develop It - A non-profit organization for girls to code.
- Girls Who Code - Creating a coding movement for women.
- Gamestar Mechanic - Learn to design video games.
- Gamemaker: Studio - Make 2D games.
- SpaceChem - Building machines to fight robots.
- CodeCombat - Coding games.
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